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Articles récents
- Covid-19 contact tracing apps and the processing of personal data in the Nordic countries: a comparative study of several models
- The principle of transparency and digital technologies : the case of public procurement in the context of Covid-19
- The right to a fair trial during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden – in the light of digitised procedures
- Le juge français face aux technologies numériques mobilisées en temps de Covid-19
- Judiciary digitalisation and the guarantee of effective legal protection in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
Catégories les plus utilisées
- Covid-19 (8)
- Archives Jurisdoctoria (7)
- Numéros 2008-2016 (6)
- Théorie du droit (4)
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- Libertés et droits fondamentaux (2)
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- Finances publiques (1)
- Droit parlementaire (1)
- Droit européen (CEDH) (1)
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